Python Exceptions
This module introduces the concept of exceptions and how to handle them in your Python programs.
Exceptions in Python
Python has many built-in exceptions that are raised when your program encounters an error (something in the program goes wrong).
When these exceptions occur, the Python interpreter stops the current process and passes it to the calling process until it is handled. If not handled, the program will crash.
For example, let us consider a program where we have a function A
that calls function B, which in turn calls function C
. If an exception occurs in function C
but is not handled in C
, the exception passes to B
and then to A
If never handled, an error message is displayed and our program comes to a sudden unexpected halt.
Catching Exceptions in Python
In Python, exceptions can be handled using a try statement.
The critical operation which can raise an exception is placed inside the try clause. The code that handles the exceptions is written in the except clause.
We can thus choose what operations to perform once we have caught the exception. Here is a simple example.
The output of the above program is as follows:
In the above program, the try clause has two exceptions, ValueError
and ZeroDivisionError
. The except clause catches the exception and prints the name of the exception using sys.exc_info()
Since every exception in Python inherits from the base Exception class, we can also perform the above task in the following way:
The output of the above program is as follows:
Catching Specific Exceptions in Python
In the above example, we did not mention any specific exception in the except clause.
This is not a good programming practice as it will catch all exceptions and handle every case in the same way. We can specify which exceptions an except clause should catch.
A try clause can have any number of except clauses to handle different exceptions, however, only one will be executed in case an exception occurs.
We can use a tuple of values to specify multiple exceptions in an except clause. Here is an example pseudo code.
In the above example, we have specified three exceptions in the except clause. The except clause with no exceptions mentioned in the parenthesis will catch all exceptions.
Raising Exceptions in Python
In Python programming, exceptions are raised when errors occur at runtime. We can also manually raise exceptions using the raise keyword.
We can optionally pass values to the exception to clarify why that exception was raised.
Python try with else clause
In some situations, you might want to run a certain block of code if the code block inside try ran without any errors. For these cases, you can use the optional else keyword with the try statement.
Note: Exceptions in the else clause are not handled by the preceding except clauses.
Let's look at an example:
If we pass an odd number:
If we pass an even number, the reciprocal is computed and displayed.
However, if we pass 0, we get ZeroDivisionError as the code block inside else is not handled by preceding except.
Python try...finally
The try statement in Python can have an optional finally clause. This clause is executed no matter what, and is generally used to release external resources.
For example, we may be connected to a remote data center through the network or working with a file or a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
In all these circumstances, we must clean up the resource before the program comes to a halt whether it successfully ran or not. These actions (closing a file, GUI or disconnecting from network) are performed in the finally clause to guarantee the execution.
Here is an example of file operations to illustrate this.
This type of construct makes sure that the file is closed even if an exception occurs during the program execution.
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